Turning into the most magnetic version of herself

Embracing all aspects of her personality

Feeling energized by raising her hand and using her voice in all situations

Believing and betting on herself

Learning that her body is the least interesting thing about her, her gifts are

Having a safe place to talk about her insecurities, dreams and goals

Feeling comfortable making boundaries around herself, her body, and her future dating life

Imagine your teen…

It’s time to watch your teen become the most confident version of herself.

Teens who diet are 12x more likely to develop an eating disorder as an adult

friendship break ups are the leading cause of stress in a teen girl's life

teen girls say that their anxiety is ruining their lives

Did you know…

We need to teach our daughters To Bet on Themselves and Start Getting Out of their own way.  they Must Learn to Be Gentler with Themselves!

→ Your teen will have a safe space to talk about her story and insecurities

→ She will learn brain rewiring exercises to unlearn the negative messages & limiting beliefs that she has about  herself

→ She will learn to trust her gut and intuition through somatic healing

→ She will learn self hypnosis techniques to combat anxiety, negative self talk, and doubt

→ She will focus on reorganizing her world using executive functioning techniques to help her goals

What happens in 1:1 coaching? A whole lot!

Gets easily triggered by anything you say and has a negative attitude about herself

Constantly judges herself and compares her body to others

Has trouble keeping girlfriends and trusting them

Is scared to raise her hand, use her voice, and stick up for herself

Has big emotions that she doesn’t know what to do with!

She is ready for coaching if she…

→ Local to Massachusetts only

→ 3 hours

→ Live at your house

→ Your teen + her friends

→ Ages 8-17

minimum 5 girls, +$100 per girl after 5

Starting at $500 USD

Custom Teen Workshop

→ Group Program via Zoom

→ Tuesdays in May 2025

→ 7-8pm EST

→ Ages 12-18

→ Limited spots remaining!


Shine Bright: Anxiety Relief Program

→ 6 Sessions for Teen Girl (1:1 coaching)

→ Ages 12 +up

→ Via Zoom

→ Notes to Parents

→ Payment plans available

$1500 USD

Teen 1:1 Coaching Package

Packages to Support Your Teen:

Frequently Asked Questions


The exercises we do together combine two things: top down and bottom up healing. Top down healing or co-active coaching works with the mind first. We talk about what’s going on in her life an equip her with tools to take with her outside our sessions. The bottom-up approach incorporates somatic nervous system healing so she can learn to feel her emotions and regulate her nervous system. She will do exercises in our sessions, where she closes her eyes and learns how to listen to her body and her own intuition so that she can always drop back into herself rather than look outwards for validation.

What types of exercises will you do with my teen?


I am a certified love and relationship coach and a licensed teacher in the state of Massachusetts. I have taken additional trainings in body neutrality, hypnosis, and brain rewiring.

What certifications do you have?


Our sessions will be 90% confidential and your daughter will have to decide if she wants to share her notes with you. As a licensed teacher, I am a mandated reporter so if your daughter mentions any concerns about being hurt or hurting herself, I will have to make you aware of these concerns immediately as mandated by the state. We will use the parent session at the end, to go over major takeaways and so you can see the path forward in helping your daughter. It’s important the entire family is on board with confidence coaching, because all our work can’t be undone the second she leaves our session.

Will the sessions be confidential or can I read the notes?


You will get a guide at the beginning of our container that will talk about behaviors around the house that can support your daughter. For example, if your daughter is learning to resist diet culture and embrace body neutrality with me, but you’re talking about Weight Watchers at dinner later, that is not going to fly. This guide will help you support her. If you are ready to do the internal work of body image healing yourself, you should purchase the Mom & Me package.

How can I support my daughter?


No. I will have a free, short discovery call with you to hear more about what’s going on with your daughter and make sure she is the right fit for the program and within my scope of practice. If your daughter would benefit from eating disorder treatment or a clinical therapist instead, I will be happy to talk through that with you and refer her out.

Do all girls get accepted?


Parenting is the hardest job in the world and we are ALL victims of diet culture. Children learn through mirroring aka watching you. She watches how you talk about YOUR body, YOUR clothes, YOUR food, YOUR exercise routines. She watches how you talk about people in bigger bodies. She is always watching. This is a joint effort. And if you aren’t ready to give up diet culture yourself (which is okay, I understand how hard it is and I’ve been there) that’s okay, but you’ve got to adopt new behaviors in front of your kids and that’s what we will talk about together. If you want to be on Weight Watchers, okay. But don’t take a sharpie to every piece of food in your house and write the points on it so she sees it.  

Why are there parent sessions attached to each package?


I think all children should have a therapist that they see weekly. Coaching is typically a short container, 6 sessions or sometimes more if we think it’s best. The work is very different than talk therapy. We will figure out a cadence that works best for your schedule.

Does coaching work like therapy, where she goes every week?


I do not. 

Do you accept insurance?


My latest appointment is 5-6pm PST || 8-9pm EST.

What is your latest appointment? I am on the west coast.

- Candice | Mom

“When I first reached out to Jacki, she was truly my last hope for my daughter. Every therapist I got her, she hated and said she couldn’t relate. I loved Jacki’s energy and I thought my daughter would give her a chance because she’s so young and personable. My daughter is 14, a freshman in high school, and she hated her body, hated her friends, and hated school before this work. I’ve never seen Piper smile so much in my life. Her entire mood has shifted. She’s less quick with her dad and I. She ran for student government (never saw that happening) and has this entire new group of friends that she loves because working with Jacki gave her the confidence to believe in herself. My daughter is a completely different person after working with Jacki. Best money we ever spent!”

“My daughter is a completely different person after working with Jacki.”

- Farrah | age 12

“I really vibe with you because you’re like in your twenties and you wear your hair up high and cool earrings even though sometimes you were a little bit too much makeup. I feel like you just get it. We have big feelings and everyone says we will grow out of it, but they don’t help us! You are the first person to take me seriously. That’s why we love Billie Eilish because she gets it and she’s emo and we’re emo. I didn’t know about my inner child or my intuition or even how to feel my sadness until now and that’s cool I guess.”

“We have big feelings and everyone says we will grow out of it, but they don’t help us! You are the first person to take me seriously.”

- Laila | Mom

“Jacki led a custom confidence workshop for my third-grade daughter and 9 of her peers. She commanded the room and led the girls through a series of activities that helped them learn about the various ways in which we communicate, how to express themselves effectively, and how to build and portray confidence. The girls also did a really sweet exercise where they wrote affirmations for one another on poster board. As the girls silently read their boards at the end, you could see their faces light up at what others had said. The girls all gave the workshop two thumbs up and said it was awesome! I wish I had had these types of opportunities as a child as well. Thank you, Jacki!”

“The girls all gave the workshop two thumbs up and said it was awesome! I wish I had had these types of opportunities as a child as well.”