Our coaching programs are completely custom made for you and what YOUR needs are

You deserve to become the most magnetic, energized version of yourself who no longer worries about her body or what other people think about her!

Never worrying about how your body looks again

The amount of energy you’ll have when you aren’t worried about how you look

Being unapologetic in taking up space in this world

Feeling energized by meeting new people and going on dates

Learning how to listen to your body and intuition, instead of your anxiety

Figuring out the patterns from childhood that inform your decisions as an adult and changing them

Feeling peace and freedom


→ This is deep, soul shaking, no going back, work.

→ You must be ready for your story to change. Forever.

→ We will use somatic healing to regulate your nervous system and break old patterns

→ We will use brain rewiring to change the way your brain thinks about yourself and/or finding love

→ We will do inner child work, examining the relationship between you and your parents and how that impacts EVERYTHING you do today.

What happens in 1:1 coaching? A whole lot!

→ For women who are ready to stop dieting and embrace body neutrality so that they can move forward with their lives without hating the way they look.

→ 6 Sessions

→ Via Zoom

→ Homework & Notes

Starting at $1500 USD

1:1 Body Image Package

→ For single women who want to break old patterns and get out of their own way to attract a partner, eliminate anxiety, and enjoy the process of falling in love.

→ 6 Sessions

→ Via Zoom

→ Homework & Notes

Starting at $1500 USD

1:1 Dating with Anxiety Package

→ 6 Sessions for Adult Women

→Entirely based on what you need

→Via Zoom

→Homework & Notes

Starting at $1500 USD

1:1 Custom Coaching Package


→ You + your friends

→ Ages 18+

→ Local to Massachusetts only

→ 3 hours

→ Live at your house

→ Looking for an idea for a unique girls’ night that’s both fun and deeply moving?
Get all your single girlfriends together for a conscious dating workshop so you can learn to date from a place of feminine energy and get out of old habits or book a session focusing on body image for your friends who are sick of diet culture.

Starting at $100 USD per woman ($500 minimum)

Custom Women’s Workshop

→ For women who want to go through all 3 programs in an intensive way, combining breakup bootcamp, into confidence/body image work, to learning how to date from a place of magnetic energy and self-love.

→ 18 Sessions

→ Via Zoom

→ Homework & Notes

Starting at $4500 USD

1:1 VIP

→ For women who have recently gone through a breakup or still can’t let go of their ex, this program will teach you how to process your grief, let go, and heal.

→ 6 Sessions

→ Via Zoom

→ Homework & Notes

Starting at $1500 USD

1:1 Breakup Bootcamp Package


The exercises we do together combine two things: top down and bottom up healing. Top down healing or co-active coaching works with the mind first. We talk about what’s holding you back in order to equip you with the tools to bring into your life. The bottom-up approach incorporates somatic nervous system healing so you can learn how to feel your emotions and regulate your nervous system. This is a BODY FIRST approach to healing, and this is where most of our work will take place, not talking.



I am a trauma-informed certified love and relationship coach and a licensed teacher in the state of Massachusetts. I have taken additional trainings in body neutrality, hypnosis, and brain rewiring.

What certifications do you have?


Therapy is SO important and coaching is a great companion piece to therapy. I am in EXPERT in body image work and love coaching. Our container is only 6 weeks long, because this is deep, SOUL work. Our time together will not be spent talking, like you do in therapy. You will be taken through EXERCISES that get you in touch with your emotions, your subconscious mind, and your nervous system.



My latest appointment is 5-6pm PST || 8-9pm EST.

What is your latest appointment? I am on the west coast.


No. I will have a free, short discovery call with you to hear more about what’s going on in your life and make sure you are the right fit for the program and within my scope of practice. If you would benefit from a trauma specialist, I will be happy to talk through that with you and refer you out.



Payment plans are available.

Do you accept insurance?

Frequently Asked Questions

- Catherine | Conscious Dating Client

“Jacki is such an empowering and effective coach. I am a recovering people pleaser and I have a love affair with conflict avoidance. This has held me back in both love and relationships and business. Jacki led me to see my own worth and power. I realized after my 10 session package with Jacki that I set boundaries like a Queen! I no longer self abandon my heart to please everyone else. I see that I am worthy and deserving of receiving too. Thank you Jacki! You are a shining light in this world.”

I no longer self abandon my heart to please everyone else. I see that I am worthy and deserving of receiving too!

- Alison | Body Image Client

Working with Jacki was one of the best things I've done for myself in the past few years. As a long time promoter of therapy, I wasn't sure what I would learn from Jacki that I didn't already know, but now I can say I didn’t known certain things about myself! I'm also grateful that Jacki left me with detailed notes from our sessions that I can always refer back to anytime I'm struggling or feel a reminder of our work might be helpful! Jacki was incredibly thoughtful about what questions she used to help me identify patterns in my life and relationship with my body, and then assigned homework to help me break these patterns. In our second session, Jacki led me through an experience that helped me realize a fundamentally missing piece of my adult life, which I would consider to be very full and happy! From start to finish, all our discussions and exercises felt incredibly tailored to my story and my goals. While doing this work was uncomfortable at times, Jacki created a safe, positive, and compassionate environment where I could easily be vulnerable. 

“Working with Jacki was one of the best things I've done for myself in the past few years.”

- Randa | Relationship Coaching Client

Having Jacki as a coach was like having a bright positive light shining for me. I loved her energy in our session together. It really made me feel held and empowered. Jacki has this positive, powerful presence that she brings to our sessions which is exactly the medicine. She has a deep and generous level of listening and I feel I have been able to let go more than ever before when working with Jacki. She really gave me what I needed to explore my own process. I loved Jacki’s reflections and input. From our sessions I have really been able to have some major take-a-way’s that have helped me up-level my relationship with my self-responsibility and my partner. I was able to gain so much clarity around my relationship dynamic from my sessions with Jacki. My partner and I now have a much more open dialog about our needs and I am forever grateful to Jacki!! 

“I have really been able to have some major take-a-way’s that have helped me up-level my relationship with my self-responsibility and my partner. I was able to gain so much clarity around my relationship dynamic.”